Enjoying the Islands with Drake!

ToG was the only transient boat at the Coupeville Wharf, so no problem there. It poured rain so we left fairly early Monday morning for La Conner. 

Nick's cousin, Drake Smith, is on a motorcycle trip (from his home in Florida!) to the PNW and we were thrilled to have him meet us in La Conner. After getting ToG's engine serviced on Monday afternoon (by La Conner Maritime Services), the three of us enjoyed a nice dinner at the Oyster & Thistle.

Yesterday, Drake put his bike on the ferry and we motored to meet him on Lopez Island. 

Enjoying beverages at the Islander:

Purple martins on the IMC dock:

Drake left his bike at a friend's house on Lopez, and we all motored to Friday Harbor this morning.

We were surprised to see a house on a barge clearing customs!

And glad to see the mess cleaned up in town after the huge fire:

The barge and house leaving the harbor:

We'll stay here two nights and then head to Roche Harbor.


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