Heading Home

On Friday ToG left Point Hudson for Eagle Harbor. We stayed at the public dock and had dinner at Isla Bonita. Food was okay, margaritas were great!

When Nick saw the forecast for the weekend, he suggested we bypass home and continue into Gig Harbor to anchor in the sunshine. Perfect ending to our 24-day cruise.

Coincidentally, Coorie Doon was also there, so we got to hang out with Jeanie and Steve Z...and Gus.

And...Ramble On was traveling south to pick up a captain in Tacoma before traveling down the coast to her Columbia River boat house, so Steve B. joined us to anchor in the harbor for Saturday night. 
And then, Steve S. and Tracey joined us for dinner last night! (Not on their boat, as it's awaiting engine service.)

And then...my sister Ruanne paid us a visit on her way to visit our parents, who live in Purdy.

A very busy and super fun weekend with people and sunshine 🌞!


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