Ready for Canada! And wind fatigue...
Our Covid testing went pretty smoothly - fortunately the sun came out so standing outside in the drive-thru lane for twenty minutes wasn't too bad..
We left Cap Sante right after that and enjoyed a nice short cruise to La Conner.
Friday afternoon we sat outside Hellam's wine store and thoroughly enjoyed their German hot mulled red wine.
It has been windy forever, it seems. We are protected here at the AT dock, but still, we are blowing around a bit.
We are now looking for a solution to ToG's slippery interior steps. Thursday evening, while stepping down into the salon from the pilot house, my stocking feet just went out from under me. was Nick's turn. Both of us are bruised and sore, so that can't happen again.
We received our negative Covid test results and all of our info is loaded into the ArriveCanada app. There may be crowds tomorrow but hopefully our travel to and from Vancouver, by car, will go smoothly. Full report to follow.
We met a couple here on the AT dock who just took delivery of the new 395 that we've seen here the last couple of visits. Ramble On is a beautiful jet black hulled boat, with a sound system on steroids and a gorgeous interior. We visited with them for a bit - of course had to talk about naming boats for songs. They will keep and cruise their boat on the Columbia but we hope to meet up with them again. (Mexico or bust!)
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