Clear skies after clouds...

Although overcast when we arrived, Saturday was clear, bright, and beautiful here in Friday Harbor. ToG is on G dock, as usual, but this is the first time we've had a view out of the harbor. Didn't last long, as boats came in pretty steadily. Today is another gorgeous day!

We've seen a couple of gulls eating sea urchins:

We've taken a couple of nice long walks to places we've not been before: partway along the portion of the American Camp trail that goes behind the airport, and northeast-ish from the marina, in an attempt to make it to the Friday Harbor Laboratories area. The latter is "currently closed to the public" so we had to turn around, but a nice walk anyway. My goal was to try and find access onto the head right next to the marina (pictured below), but we didn't find anything. I saw people out there yesterday though, so I may ask around on our next visit.

Delicious lunch at the Cask and Schooner:
We'll set out for Roche Harbor in a bit, and Nick will set a crab pot. Some friends are currently crabbing in Hunter Bay (Lopez) but I don't have a report on their catch yet. 🤞


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