Oro Bay - Rediscovered!

Outstations, marina & anchored ToG from Jacobs Point 

We cruised super slow yesterday morning from Jarrell Cove to Oro Bay. We’ve enjoyed the peace and quiet of Oro many times. We knew there was a park but because we weren’t sure how to access it, and the weather was often not great, we never ventured ashore. (There is no other shore access in the bay except the yacht club outstations and the private marina.)

After lunch we set off in the kayaks, landing on the shore off Jacobs Point. What a pleasant surprise! This 2+ mile walk through sun-dappled forest, wetlands, and historical landmarks was really enjoyable. The trails are well-maintained by Anderson Island Parks & Rec. We saw several warning signs posted regarding prevalent poison oak in the area, which may be part of the reason the trails are quite wide. Also flat. A nice, short, easy hike for a hot afternoon.

Some kind of beautiful tree fungus!

wide trail

flowering sumac

Jacobs homestead

map of park and surrounding area

trail viewpoint

wetland and nice boardwalk

adjacent wetland park

poison oak!!!


brick "floor" near the old brickworks

Gary Oak

trail viewpoint

kayaks near park access staircase

We spent the remainder of the afternoon lounging on the upper deck and enjoying the view. Now that we have a place to get off the boat and walk, we like Oro Bay even more!

Not sure what our plans are this morning. We will likely head home soon even though we planned to be out until the 30th or so. The 101 degree temps forecasted for the weekend may drive us indoors!


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